MediOffice FAQs
The Company
Who is MediOffice?
MediOffice is a subsidiary of Trust Health Limited, who has been trading in the UK as a provider of services to the healthcare sector for more than 17 years.
Who designed the system?
The MediOffice Practice Management Software has been designed by Gavin Webb who is an expert in his field, having developed Bluespier for use in both the NHS and private sector.
The Product
Who can use MediOffice?
MediOffice is for use by all clinics, hospitals, clinicians, practice managers and secretaries working in private practice. The system manages clinics and surgical activity.
Can I access MediOffice from my phone?
Yes, MediOffice app is available on the Apple and Android app store. You can also access it on any tablet or PC.
What platform is MediOffice on?
MediOffice is a web-based practice management system accessed from your PC, Mac, tablet or phone.
The Trial
Can I access MediOffice from my phone?
MediOffice app is available on the Apple and Android app store.
How much is the trial?
The demo and trial is totally free for clinicians and their practice staff.
Do I need to provide bank or card details for the trial?
No. This is a no-obligation trial, all we ask is for feed-back to help us improve our system.
Can both my secretary and I use the system during the free trial?
MediOffice has unlimited licences built into the system, you are most welcome to use any number of licences during the trial.
What happens at the end of the trial?
We will be in touch and would appreciate your feedback. We very much hope you will decide to purchase the software, however there is no obligation to do so.
Customer Care
How do I contact customer support?
MediOffice prides itself on the customer care it provides to its users. We believe that prevention is better than a cure, so we have designed a simple to use system. However if you need to contact us for help, our fully trained staff are available by phone or by email. You can also log a ticket though our online portal.
How easy is it to migrate from my old system to MediOffice?
We have the experience, tools and expertise to successfully migrate your existing patient demographics and clinical history documentation to MediOffice. Depending on the volume of data, this can often be done in a day - resulting in a seamless switch for your practice. Should you wish to have your financial history migrated, we will need to discuss this with you on a case by case basis.
I can't see the whole of the MediOffice screen on my PC?
If this is the case it may be that you need to adjust the Scale and Layout of your Display. To adjust this, right click anywhere on your Desktop display, select Display and amend the Scale and Layout to a smaller percentage. If this doesn’t change sufficiently, give us a call.
Is my data secure on MediOffice?
Yes. MediOffice is hosted in the EU West-2 region of AWS, ie London. The AWS Region/AZ model has been recognized by Gartner as the recommended approach for running enterprise applications that require high availability. AWS supports 89 security standards and compliance certifications including ISO27001, PCI-DSS, HIPAA/HITECH, FedRAMP, GDPR, FIPS 140-2, and NIST 800-171, which is meaningfully more than any other cloud provider.
Link to GDPR - https://aws.amazon.com/compliance/gdpr-center/
Link to ISO27001 - https://aws.amazon.com/compliance/iso-27001-faqs/
What security do I have at logging-on?
MediOffice is committed to a fully secure system. To access the system the user will go through a two-factor email/text authentication. The user does not have to purchase or maintain a costly authentication key fob.
Do I own my data?
You have full ownership of all your data.